Healing Through His Words

Inspirational Healing Stories

Olga’s Healing Story

Our Healing Goal

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Our 7 year old son was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome a couple of years ago and has always struggled with perfectionism, hopelessness, rejection and rebellion. He has always had the sweetest heart, but when he got upset he would throw dramatic fits, throw himself to the ground crying and rolling around. When he played games he was a terrible sport, when he made mistakes it was hard for him to say he was sorry. It was heart breaking to see him in these states of hopelessness and rebellion.

The Lord told us several years ago this was a spiritual battle, and we’ve been fighting since that day. A huge breakthrough has recently occurred, and I believe a major part is due to the Healing CD by Amber Rose Ministries. Since receiving the CD from some friends of ours a month and a half ago we have played it 24/7 in his room – and he loves it. What has happened in the last three weeks is miraculous! He has not thrown himself down, when he does something wrong he quickly says he’s sorry, he hasn’t gotten angry when he loses playing a game, and has even said he was happy for the one who won! Miraculous!! My wife and I looked at each other in total amazement! God is so good! I truly believe the enemy got so sick and tired of hearing the Word, the Truth spoken non-stop day and night on the CD that they said we’re out of here! Thank You Lord for loving us so much! Thank You Lord for the authority You have given us. Thank You Lord for the anointing You have rested on The Healing CD.

Joe & Shari Borden

Healing Stories

I was healed from the generational tremors and the chronic tightness in my stomach that caused digestive problems!


My leg grew out during prayer at least 1/4inch!


Following prayer, I slept through the night without the CPAP machine with no more signs of sleep apnea!

God gave prophetic confirmation of the ministry I will pursue. More tools and greater anointing of His Spirit!


Age 7 and 9, ADD and dyslexic healed. I can now write HAPPY BIRTHDAY normally!

D.D. for son and daughter

Hip pain gone. loss of mobility in neck healed as I now have ease of movement. Cramping of back and shoulders lifted as deliverance was received!


Heavy weight lifted, freedom to love and forgive all things related to siblings and extended family!


Healed of double vision as a result of a stroke as well as the auto immune disease Myasthenic Gravis after listening to the Tom Davis CD “THE HEALING”!


Sleep Apnea symptoms gone following prayer. eye sight improved.

P.D. Healing Conference

Even More Stories of Healing!

I had a neck whiplash/stiffness and distortion on my left (C4, C5) area due to several car accidents I was in about 50 years ago. I felt a cold horizontal “slice” lifting and then a small bone snap. My neck now feels longer.

Eileen Silva, PhD, N.D.

Southlake , Texas

Thank you for creating The Healing CD, It Is Written. At an Amber Rose Ministries Healing Conference, I fully expected to be healed of the malignant cells the doctors found in my left breast. I received healing and it was just as miraculous as those I saw at the conference, but healing, nevertheless. When I bought your CD, I had no idea how important it would be and how much it would have to do with my future.
I listened to It Is Written over and over for several weeks. The CD and the Word were the only ways I could find peace. I had the surgery and was back to work seven days later—without need of chemotherapy or follow-up medication. Now that’s a miracle! He sent His Word and healed me, and also taught me that He can be trusted.

Julie Roth


At the Amber Rose Conference in Texas , I went to the Healing Room for physical problems, but the Holy Spirit knew I needed my emotions healed. The ministry team listened while I shared my physical ailments. As they began to pray for me, I burst into tears, crying like a baby. The Holy Spirit showed me that I had not wept for the loss of my dad or stepmother, both of whom died several years prior. Also, my fear of man caused me to shrink back from doing what I knew God could and would do in my life. I repented, my emotions were healed and I got filled with the Holy Spirit and released to do His ministry in love, wisdom and passion. Praise the Lord!

Wes Haefs

Corsicana, Texas

At the conference, I was healed from a 37-year-old shoulder injury.

Dan Finley

Picayune, MS

Pastors Love Amber Rose Ministries Too!

Tom Davis has tapped into the heart of God with his passion for healing. Both his music and his understanding of scripture are sure to help release the people of God into an inheritance, for healing is the birthright of every believer. I highly recommend “The Healing” to all who hunger for more!

Bill Johnson

Senior Pastor, Bethel Church

Redding, California

For those with a hurting spirit or sickness in the flesh, the soothing and comforting presentation of words spoken in music in The Healing by Tom Davis is truly Spirit and Life! This continues the ministry to the listener long after they have left our Healing Rooms!

Cal & Michelle Pierce

Directors of the Healing Rooms International Headquarters

Spokane, Washington

I have greatly enjoyed Tom Davis’s CD, The Healing. I encourage people to get this CD when they have a spiritual, mental or physical need and play it over and over until they are free.

Bob Jones

Bob Jones Ministries

I believe this project is a must have for anyone wanting to know God’s heart for His people. Tom has captured the truth of Scripture and presents it in a an easy to read format. This is the life message for a man committed to seeing people encounter the living God.

Brady Boyd

Senior pastor, New Life Church Colorado

Springs, Colorado

My first clue that I had another new favorite CD, was that within minutes of listening, I was weeping. If you love devotional music; if you love LOTS of Scripture, and if you need to be encouraged, these products by Tom Davis are simply a must-have. I can’t speak highly enough of them. Wow!

Steve Shultz

I received a few copies of the healing CD from Tom Davis a while back. The impact it made then is still relevant today! The feedback was very positive and the quality of the music and the production is excellent! You can sense the presence of the Lord as you listen. This is a great tool to use for corporate prayer meetings. This music is a part of my private collection!

Brother Morris Chapman

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